Archive for category: News

Spring into a new career

Spring into a new career

  The cold winter nights are now a distant memory and we welcome the colourful spring gardens and lighter evenings. You’ve probably also noticed the birds chirping outside your windows and ...

Hayfa is learner of the month!

Hayfa receiving her flowers, chocolates and award from Nicola. Hayfa our wonderful Didsbury Care Coordinator always goes above and beyond in everything she does! She is a role model and dedicated frie...

Refer a friend- Help us on our mission!

Refer a friend

Have you heard of our Refer a Friend scheme? Our vision is providing the very best care which can only be delivered with the very best people in our team. We welcome and promote friend referrals as we...

Leanne wins National Homecare Manager of the year Award

Leanne Scrogham, was initially crowned winner of The Home Care Registered Manager, Great North West Care Award, earning a place in the national final which was held at Birmingham’s ICC on Friday...


United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKCHA) announces new chief executive

United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKCHA) announce new chief executive The United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) has announced that Roger Berry is to be their new chief executive. Credit: Rog...


Recruitment and retention

Demand for care and support continues to grow, and Skills for Care estimates that around 390,000 people leave their jobs every year – that’s over 1,000 every day – and approximately 110,000 vaca...


Paying for social care

If you or a family member require care and have to pay for it, then you are facing not only one of the most expensive purchases that most of us will ever make, but you will also be faced with making d...


Department of Health and Social Care Recruitment campaign

Department of Health and Social Care Recruitment campaign We know that some of our best recruits are referred to us by our own people because we all know which of our friends and family have the right...

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