Coronavirus wellbeing for carers

With the news of Coronavirus changing almost daily, it is perfectly normal to feel unsettled right now. With many cities facing local lockdowns and talks of another national lockdown, we thought we would share some wellbeing advice for those who are carers during this time. 

This advice of course is not limited to carers and can be shared with anyone who you feel may struggle during this time, especially if another lockdown situation does occur.  

  1. Set a time limit 

It is important to stay informed with the latest government advice so that you’re keeping yourself and the person you care for safe. However, obsessing with the news can lead to working yourself up and developing feelings of anxiety. To combat this, set yourself a time limit on how much you read about coronavirus each day.  

Following trusted sources such as Gov.UK and NHS sites will mean you get the information you need, delivered as plain facts rather than multiple news stories which can make you feel anxious. 

  1. Talk to other carers 

Whether it be your colleagues or you use a forum such as the Carers UK forum, talking to other carers can do the world of good. It will make you feel less alone in the situation and you may even pick up some advice from someone in a similar situation to you. 

  1. Make time for you 

We give this advice to carers regularly and it’s to make sure you switch off when your shift ends. That means, create a time slot for yourself in your day which is just for you – this can be a time that you watch TV with no distractions, pick up your favourite book or do a hobby you enjoy such as painting or exercising. Whatever it is, create time for yourself where you do not dwell and focus on work – switching off in your downtime will alleviate feelings of stress and being overwhelmed. 

The most important thing to do during this time is to keep yourself and others safe – this includes your mental wellbeing. For the latest government advice on Coronavirus, you can click here.  

If you are struggling with the situation, please talk to someone and share your feelings. If you do not have a family member, friend or colleague you can confide in – you can use one of the following helplines. 

Carers UK Helpline 0808 808 7777  

Carers Direct 0300 123 1053  

Carers Trust – Online Support  

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