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Why Care is a Great Industry for a Career Change

Working as a carer has a lot of perks and advantages, from high levels of job satisfaction to avoiding the 9-5 rut. Here are some of the top reasons to choose a career as a care worker: Flexible wo...

How to Cope with the Pandemic with Mental Health Issues

COVID-19 has brought many worries regarding the health risks of the pandemic, combining this with issues such as being isolated and not being able to see friends and family has led to a massive impact...

What is the role of a carer?

If you’re considering a career in care, you may be wondering what exactly your role will entail. In this article, we will talk about what the role of a carer is and what skills you need. One of the...

What Career Progression is Available for Care Colleagues?

Whether you are looking to start a new career in care, or you are already a carer and are looking for your next career steps, there are plenty of progression opportunities in this industry. Especially...

What is a Care Bubble?

There has been a lot of references to ‘bubbles’ throughout the pandemic and the government guidelines have used the term to describe several types of situation, such as ‘childcare bubble’, ‘support bu...

Why HSG is the perfect team to start a new career with

Starting a new career can be intimidating, especially if you’re venturing into an industry you’ve never worked in before. However, the right team to support you can make all the difference. At Huma...

A Guide to Stress Relief Techniques

Stress Awareness Week runs from November 2nd to November 6th and this year has been a huge challenge for many people, whichever industry they work in. This is why it is a really appropriate time to re...

Carers Rights Day

Carers Rights Day comes around each year to remind our hard-working carers of their rights and understanding them.   Organised by Carers UK, Carers Rights Day is an annual awareness day d...

Getting ready for Christmas in Care

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but it can also bring stress and concerns, which is why we have created this article. Being a carer is no regular job and it brings so much reward but there are ...

Why Christmas is a crucial time for carers

Whilst Christmas is a happy time for most, it can be a struggle for those who are elderly or vulnerable. The rush in the supermarkets, the demand for festive food, the loud noises and bright lights ca...

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